If you are self employed or running a business you have to think about many pressing issues, like sales, marketing, staffing, your product/services, and of course taxes. As we are getting to the end of 2024, it's a great time to do some research on what tax strategies are out there.
A qualified CPA will be able to assist with what expenses can be used as a write off or tax deduction for your company. There's many intricate strategies that can be utilized to offset some of your income for the year. Once that is complete, the next step is to search into the financial markets.
There are various different retirement and investment vehicles that offer a tax deduction for every dollar you invest. Yes, that means you get a tax break to invest your own money. This is much better than a true expense and write off which is money leaving your pocket and decreasing your cash flow.

So what options are out there to take advantage of?One in particular many of our 1099 clients and business owners tend to use is a SEP IRA.
A SEP IRA (Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account) is a retirement plan that’s ideal for small business owners and self-employed individuals. It’s simple to set up and has high contribution limits, making it a popular choice.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. High Contribution Limits
For 2024, you can contribute the lesser of 25% of your compensation or $69,000 per year. This is significantly higher than the contribution limits for traditional IRAs and 401(k)s, allowing you to save more for retirement and reduce taxable income.
2. Tax Advantages
Contributions are tax-deductible, meaning they reduce your taxable income. Additionally, investments within the SEP IRA grow tax-deferred, so you won’t pay taxes on earnings until you withdraw in retirement.
3. Easy Setup and Low Maintenance
SEP IRAs are relatively easy to set up with most financial institutions, and there are no annual filing requirements with the IRS. Contributions are flexible, so you’re not locked into a certain amount each year.
4. Eligibility and Participation Rules
Any employer (including self-employed individuals) can set up a SEP IRA. If you have employees, you’ll need to make equal contributions (as a percentage of salary) for all eligible employees, including yourself.
5. Flexible Contribution Requirements
There’s no obligation to contribute each year, which makes SEP IRAs especially attractive for businesses with fluctuating profits. This flexibility allows you to contribute more in good years and reduce contributions when revenue is lower.
Each company will be different and each plan may be different, but the goal is the same. Reduce taxes, invest more to grow wealth, and defer any gains until down the road. There are many other retirement accounts to consider as well like a SIMPLE IRA, Traditional IRA, and 401k that provide similar tax benefits. If you are doing your end of year planning and see that you have a large tax bill ahead of you, it may be a worthwhile use of your time to look into these various plans.
We are here to assist and answer any questions to see what's best for you.